Northern Oneida County ATV Club


Search Current NY State ATV Legislative

Bill A00178 - Authorizes special access to hunting and fishing grounds on state land for handicapped individuals.

Bill A00586 - Increases age for use of ATVs by minors from age ten to fourteen.

Bill A01203 - Relates to the creation of an ATV trail fund and the use of ATVs.

Bill A01244 - Relates to operation of an all-terrain vehicle by a minor on public or private property.

Bill A03473 - Replaces each instance of the word accident with the word crash in relation to vehicle and traffic law.

Bill A04282 - Relates to the all terrain vehicle trial registration program.

Bill A04957 - Amends the definition of all terrain vehicles to include certain vehicles of up to seventy inches long and 1500 pounds.

Bill A05351 - Provides that certified handicapped individuals may use an ATV on public land for transportation purposes only, during the hunting season.

Bill A06106 - Increases width and weight of the description specifics for an all terrain vehicle.

Bill S00680 - Increases age for use of ATVs by minors from age ten to fourteen.

Bill S01535 - Requires the commissioner of economic development to conduct a study of the economic impact of ATV use within the state.

Bill S02707 - Relates to the creation of an ATV trail fund.

Bill S02708 - Relates to the creation of an ATV trail fund and the use of ATVs.

Bill S02709 - Relates to the definition of all terrain vehicle or "ATV".

Bill S03352 - Replaces each instance of the word accident with the word crash in relation to vehicle and traffic law.

Bill S03534 - Enacts the "vehicular violence accountability act"

Bill S06164 - Relates to operation of an all-terrain vehicle by a minor on public or private property"

Bill S06663 - Increases width and weight <2000 lbs> of the description specifics for an all terrain vehicle"

Bill S07471 - Relates to the definition of all terrain vehicle or "ATV"


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